Policy Issues
Policy: Alberta Canola
Canola and Education
There is a growing disconnect between consumers and the origin of their food.
Ask: Establish an agriculture and natural resources education advisory group that will work on entrenching agricultural education in Alberta’s K-12 curriculum.
Status: This is still in discussion with the government.
Policy: Alberta Canola
Canola and Land Use Change
Prime agricultural land should be used to grow food.
Status: The government will use an agriculture first approach when making decisions relating to the use of agricultural lands proposed for renewables development – a win for Albertan farmers.
Policy: Alberta Canola
Canola and Pests
Unpredictable access to crop protection tools hinders farmers’ abilities to control pests and produce food.
Ask: Advocate for science-based evaluations of crop protection tools at the federal level.
Status: This is still in discussion with the government.
Policy: Alberta Canola
Canola is a Low-carbon Fuel Feedstock
Low-carbon canola used in renewable fuels is key to achieving Alberta’s net zero by 2050 goal and attracting value-added investments in agriculture.
Ask: Increase the annual renewable diesel fuel content under the provincial Renewable Fuels Regulations from 2% to 5%.
Status: This is still in discussion with the government.
Policy: Alberta Canola
Farm Business Risk Management
It’s becoming more and more frequent that farmers are facing wide-spread, extreme weather during the growing season. It’s imperative they have access to affordable crop insurance when they need it most, so they can continue their essential role in food production.
Ask: Decouple risk management programs from the adoption of environmental beneficial management practices.
Status: This is still in discussion with the government.