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Canola Watch

Free, unbiased, timely, and research focused canola production updates from the Canola Council of Canada’s Crop Production & Innovation Team. Visit the website and subscribe.

Canola Encyclopedia

The complete guide to growing canola in Canada. Learn more about every major factor affecting canola yields and profitability.

Canola Calculator

Calculators for seeding rate & seed cost, target plant density, blackleg yield loss, harvest loss, and a combine optimization tool.

Canola Research Hub

A searchable database of grower funded canola research formatted into easy-to-read summary articles.

Canola Agronomy Guides

The Canola Council’s free agronomic guides provide tips for managing canola in the field, during harvest and in the bin.

Canola Council Agronomy Specialists

Contact the canola agronomy specialist in your area or by their specialization.

Protecting Pollinators

Bee-friendly tips and resources for canola growers

Alberta Insect Pest Network

Live maps and annual surveys provides timely, accurate insect management resources to help monitor crop pests in Alberta

Blue Book

Alberta’s Blue Book is the trusted resource for Alberta farmers and agronomists providing current information for the safe and effective application of crop production products.

Canadian Agronomist

Canadian Agronomist translates research into agronomic knowledge. Browse the archives and subscribe for updates.

Keep it Clean

Keep it Clean provides growers and crop advisers with updates on potential market risks and resources for on-farm practices to ensure crops meet the standards of domestic and export customers.

Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network

Providing timely information about crop diseases on the Prairies highlighting effective disease management approaches from the network of field crop pathologist who conduct research and actively monitor disease pressure.

Prairie Pest Monitoring Network

Crop insect and wind forecasts, risk maps and protocols from the network of field crop entomologists who conduct research and actively monitor insect pest populations to support crop protection programs on the Canadian prairies.

Sprayers 101

Sprayers 101 is a non-profit resource describing best practices in safe, efficient and effective agricultural spraying. Browse the library of articles, videos, calculators, and more.