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Alberta Canola
5 Year Strategic Plan

rocket ship
Dry canola pods and their black seeds.


Alberta Canola will be a grower centric organization with a focus on engagement and meeting the needs of growers to ensure their long-term success.


Alberta Canola’s research and outreach programs will be innovative and provide long-term value to growers.


Alberta Canola will ensure canola is recognized and valued for being a safe and healthy product that is grown sustainably.


Alberta Canola advocacy will ensure the voice of the growers are heard as an integral component to policy development.


Alberta Canola will collaborate and build trusted partnerships to market, educate, and share knowledge of agriculture through the efficient and effective delivery of programs to the public and stakeholders.


Alberta Canola governance will ensure the Board fulfills their fiduciary responsability and stewardship of the Commission with a high-level of engagement to deliver on the mandate and provide the oversight to protect the integrity of the Commission through compliance with Legislation, Regulation, Bylaws, and Policies.

a field of golden yellow canola flowers
Target symbol
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