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Projects & Results

Verifying seed primer benefits on canola and wheat establishment, vigour and yield under direct seeding in Alberta

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Kabal Gill


JP Pettyjohn, Ken Coles

Funding Partners


May 2014 - April 2017


The Challenge

Many micronutrient products have come to market with claims of benefitting a crop. There have been conflicting results, therefore proper research and testing is required to determine if these claims are true.

The Project

Test nine seed coated primer products against one another on canola and wheat benefits and provide recommendations to growers in Alberta.

The Results

There were no consistent trends between treatments in yield, root length, root mass, root:shoot ratio, emergence rates over time.

Grower Benefits

Unless field tests show a deficiency in soil micronutrients, there is not enough success or benefit to use otherwise.


Seed primer, Direct Seeding