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Projects & Results

Updating the critical weed free period in canola

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Rob Gulden


Charles Geddes, Breanne Tidemann, Steve Shirtliffe

Funding Partners

SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers

April 2022 - March 2026


The Challenge

Weeds are the largest contributor to crop yield loss in western Canada. Appropriate timing of weed management is critical to achieving full yield potential. Current timing recommendations are based on weed control research conducted two decades ago.

The Project

Update the critical weed free period (CWFP) in modern hybrid canola cultivars, determine the effect of target plant density has on the CWFP and how herbicide programs affect in-crop herbicide needs. Data collected will be able to be used to guide confident recommendations regarding the CWFP under various scenarios.

The Results

This section will be updated upon completion of the project.

Grower Benefits

Updating the critical weed free period will allow weed management practices to be more efficient and sustainable through optimizing genetics, plant stand densities, and herbicide programs. This will help growers save money on herbicides, avoid herbicide resistant weeds, and achieve maximum yield potential.


Critical weed free period