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Projects & Results

Tracking the movement of flea beetles across the Canadian Prairies

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Dr. Boyd Mori


Dr. Julian Dupuis, Dr. Shelley Barkley, Dr. Meghan Vankosky

Funding Partners

SaskCanola, MCGA

April 2024 - March 2026


The Challenge

Most canola on the Prairies is grower from neonicotinoid-treated seed to manage crucifer and striped flea beetles, but striped flea beetles are less susceptible to neonicotinoids. Recent research suggests potential regional variations in flea beetle susceptibility to seed treatments, possibly affecting overall distribution of flea beetles across the Prairies.

The Project

This study will survey beetles across the Prairie provinces, assess species composition, and employ genome-wide population structure analyses to infer their movement and dispersal ability between regions and host plants. Ultimately, the findings will inform modelling and forecasting of flea beetle movement on the Prairies at different geographic scales.

The Results

This section will be updated upon completion of the project.

Grower Benefits

 Knowledge of the movement of flea beetles will allow farmers to consider potential resistance management strategies, and may help enhance predictive modelling and forecasting of flea beetle populations.


Flea beetles, insect monitoring