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Seeding between the lines: evaluating the potential of inter-row seeding for canola in southern Alberta
Project Details
Lead Researcher(s)
Ken Coles
Mike Gretzinger
Funding Partners
May 2011 - March 2015
The Challenge
With average canola survivability at 60%, seeding equipment and strategies could contribute to the initial vigour of canola germination.
The Project
Determine to what extent seeding between stubble rows from previous crop contributes to canola emergence, seed to soil contact and micro-climate. Soil temperature and seedling protection from more standing stubble will also be analyzed. ‘Pillar Lasers – disc hoe’ and Stealth Paired row hoe’ are the two types of seeding row openers being used.
The Results
Seeding on-row significantly reduced plant stand establishment in canola compared to seeding between the row and with no attempt of alignment. Seeding between rows with the ‘Pillar Lasers – disc hoe’ produced the highest canola stand plant count and yield.
Grower Benefits
Growers with GPS and automated steering could benefit from an increased in canola plant stand count/survivability and yield if they adopt the practice of seeding inter-row.
Inter-row seeding, Southern Alberta, Emergence, Germination