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Projects & Results

Rapid detection and degradation of mycotoxins in animal and poultry feed materials

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Roopesh Syamaladevi


Ruurd Zijstra, Stephen Strelkov, Xiaonan Lu

Funding Partners

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry

May 2018 - May 2021


The Challenge

Animal and poultry feed materials contaminated by fungi and toxic secondary fungi metabolites (mycotoxins) are the leading problems to the Canadian feed industry. The presence of these mycotoxins results in the loss of quality and a substantial threat to the food and feed chain. Rapid detection and degradation of these toxins in the feed material is a great challenge to farmers and the feed industry.

The Project

To develop a novel magnetic nanoparticle-based immunoassay for the detection of mycotoxins in animal feed materials. Additionally, investigate the potential of cold plasma and hybrid technologies for the degradation of selected mycotoxins in animal and poultry feed materials.

The Results

This research resulted in the successful development of a simple, cost effective immunoassay to determine mycotoxin contents in corn meal. This additionally has potential to be employed by the poultry industry to detect mycotoxins in poultry feed materials. They were able to reduce important mycotoxins in a number of grains using cold plasma technology.

Grower Benefits

By effectively reducing the amount of mycotoxins, farmers will benefit by selling higher quality and quantity of grains while improving the safety of food and feed commodities in Canada.


: Mycotoxins, Feed materials, Cold plasma, Livestock, Feed, Food, DON, Vomitoxin, Deoxynivalenol