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Projects & Results

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Agricultural Entomology

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Boyd Mori



Funding Partners


April 2020 - April 2025


The Challenge

Since the passing of Dr. Lloyd Dosdall, there has been no professor teaching and researching agricultural entomology at the University of Alberta.

The Project

Find a suitable professor to continue the integrated research position at the university.

The Results

Dr. Boyd Mori was selected as the recipient of the NSERC Industrial Chair in Agricultural Entomology. Dr. Mori’s research program aims to investigate cultural, behavioural, and biological management tactics that farmers can use against insect pests.

Grower Benefits

Canola farmers can be confident that Dr. Mori’s research has the potential to increase the sustainability and success of canola production in Alberta and western Canada whilst reducing the environmental footprint through increased adoption of integrated management strategies.


NSERC, Entomology, Entomologist, U of A, Professor