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Projects & Results

Insect susceptibility and resistance monitoring of flea beetles in canola

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Boyd Mori


Nat Kav, Alejandro Costamanga, Julian Dupuis, Scott Geib, Spencer Johnston, Chrystel

Funding Partners


April 2021 - July 2024


The Challenge

Crucifer and striped flea beetles are chronic pests of canola in the Prairies. To manage them, almost all canola is grown from neonicotinoid-treated seed. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency in Canada is currently re-assessing the use of neonicotinoids, which could lead to market removal of reliable seed treatments.

The Project

Determine the susceptibility of the striped and crucifer flea beetle to various registered insecticides and investigate the mechanisms of insecticide tolerance, developing targets for other control technologies.

The Results

This section will be updated upon completion of the project.

Grower Benefits

Further understanding of flea beetle control will enhance integrated pest management strategies, allowing growers to make better management decisions and successfully navigate changing chemical control methods.  


Flea beetles, insecticide resistance, insecticide susceptibility, insect monitoring, neonicotinoid, seed treatment