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Projects & Results

Identification and assessment of the role of natural enemies in pest suppression in canola with specific reference to diamondback moth management

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Maya Evenden


Hector Carcamo, Sharabari Kilkarni, Swaroop Kher

Funding Partners


April 2018 - March 2021


The Challenge

The role of natural enemies in insect pest regulation is known but is not incorporated in the conventional economic action thresholds used in pest management decisions. Using pest density alone may underestimate natural suppression which can result in the indiscriminate use of insecticides.

The Project

Identify important natural enemies against diamondback moth in the canola cropping systems and quantify their contributions to their management. The dynamic between diamondback moths and parasitoids are also explored.

The Results

Key parasitoid species include ladybird beetles, carabids, lacewings, and Nabid bugs. The presence of these parasitoid species reduced diamondback moth feeding by up to 35%.

Grower Benefits

If growers integrate conservation and preservation efforts of natural enemy populations into their pest management plans, diamondback moth feedings decrease significantly, mitigating insecticide use and costs.


Natural enemies, Beneficial, Beneficial insects, Economic threshold, Suppression, Biocontrol, Diamondback moth, Dynamic action threshold