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Projects & Results

Evaluation of enhanced nitrogen-use efficiency products

Project Details

Lead Researcher(s)

Dr. Dani Degenhardt


Len Kryzanowski, Tom Jenson, Miles Dyck

Funding Partners

Alberta Barley Commission, WGRF, AITF

February 2016 - February 2018


The Challenge

Before wide adoption of enhanced efficient fertilizer (EEF) products across Alberta, a greater understanding is required regarding agronomy, cost, soil and climate.

The Project

By compiling and synthesizing past and current yield and cost data on EEF products, determine optimal environments for product efficacy and economic cost-benefit-analysis.

The Results

Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers were found to better synchronize nitrogen supply with crop demand, leading to both agronomic and economic benefits. Data complied behind EEF products to further develop Alberta Farm Fertilizer Information and Recommendation Manager (AFFIRM), a decision support tool for Alberta’s farmers.

Grower Benefits

Growers will be able to utilize the AFFIRM tool to analyze fertility management decisions based on data specific to their farm, allowing implementation of cost-efficient best management practices.


Nitrogen, Use-efficiency products