Putting the Emphasis on Environmental Stewardship
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Alberta Canola is committed to improvements on how we steward and care for the environment through agriculture. We’re currently funding two ongoing projects with this specific focus on the benefit of environmental stewardship.
One of these projects, a 5-year research initiative with the Alberta AgriSystems Living Lab (AALL) led by Alberta Beef Producers, is focused on integrating beef, forage, and cropping systems to improve soil carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to funding by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS) – Living Labs Program, as well as other partner funders, Alberta Canola has committed to contributing $50,000 to this project’s total cost of $8.5 million.
Beginning in May 2022 with a goal of completion in May 2027, this project is a living lab, a type of research initiative in which farmer input and expertise is heavily incorporated and valued. Living labs are used to identify, adapt, and implement on-farm beneficial management practices (BMPs)— management systems or technologies with specific environmental benefits.
The project focuses on starting or expanding these beneficial practices, including crop rotations, fall seeded crops, cover crops, 4R nutrient application, variable rate fertilizer, and nitrification inhibitors. Alberta Canola director, Wayne Schneider, is currently involved in a nitrification inhibitor study through the AALL and is one of over 50 other producers and growers involved in this research initiative.
Another project that focuses on environmental stewardship is the Alberta Water Monitoring and Wetland Stewardship project, funded by Alberta’s crop commissions, RDAR, Syngenta, Bayer Crop-Science, and BASF. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) collaborated on establishing the methodology for the project. The 3-year project will be completed in spring of 2024, by an independent third-party environmental consultant. This project evaluates the effectiveness of stewardship near riparian zones and wetlands at 20 different sites throughout Southern Alberta. Alberta Canola has contributed $150,000 to this program’s total cost of over $1.65 million.
Both the Alberta AgriSystems Living Lab research initiative and the Alberta Water Monitoring and Wetland Stewardship project demonstrate Alberta Canola’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Learn more about Alberta Canola’s ongoing and completed research projects here.
By Kathryn Knodel,
Research Coordinator